Family & Relationship Books

We have found 35 items matching your search query.

Dana Bowman: How to Be Perfect Like Me

HOW TO BE PERFECT LIKE ME Award-winning author and popular blogger Dana Bowman chats with Big Blend Radio about her memoir, “How to be Perfect Like Me” where she candidly recounts how her alcoholi
Tonier Cain - Healing Neem

Healing Neen: One Woman's Path to Salvation from Trauma and Addiction

HEALING NEEN: ONE WOMAN’S PATH TO SALVATION FROM TRAUMA & ADDICTION   Tonier Cain, recovered crack addict turned nationally recognized inspirational speaker and trauma care expert, talks wi
Dr Armstong - The Myth of the ADHD Child

Dr. Thomas Armstrong: The Myth of the ADHD Child

THOMAS ARMSTRONG – THE MYTH OF THE ADHD CHILD     Listen to the Big Blend Radio interview with psychologist and learning specialist Thomas Armstrong, Ph.D., about his newly revised editio
Catherine Pearlman - Ignore It!

Catherine Pearlman: IGNORE IT!

CATHERINE PEARLMAN: IGNORE IT! Listen to the Big Blend Radio interview with Dr. Catherine Pearlman about her new book, “IGNORE IT! How Selectively Looking the Other Way Can Decrease Behavioral Prob
Sarah Ockwell-Smith

Sarah Ockwell-Smith: Gentle Discipline

GENTLE DISCIPLINE   Listen to the Big Blend Radio interview with parenting expert Sarah Ockwell-Smith, who discusses her new book “Gentle Discipline: Using Emotional Connection – Not Punishme
Linda Akeson McGurk

Linda Akeson McGurk: There’s No Such Thing as Bad Weather

THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS BAD WEATHER     Listen to the Big Blend Radio interview with nature-centric parenting expert Linda Åkeson McGurk, who discusses her memoir “There’s No Suc
Chasing Life by Robert Pardi

Robert Pardi: Chasing Life

ROBERT PARDI: CHASING LIFE ON BIG BLEND RADIO: Life coach and author Robert Pardi discusses his memoir, “Chasing Life: The Remarkable True Story of Love, Joy and Achievement Against All Odds.” Lis
Emma Johnson: The Kickass Single Mom

Emma Johnson: The Kickass Single Mom

THE KICKASS SINGLE MOM Listen to the Big Blend Radio interview with Emma Johnson, who discusses her new book, “THE KICKASS SINGLE MOM: Be Financially Independent, Discover Your Sexiest Self, and
A Feminist's Guide to Raising a Little Princess - Devoral Blacher

Devorah Blachor: A Feminist’s Guide to Raising a Pink Princess

A FEMINIST’S GUIDE TO RAISING A PINK PRINCESS   Listen to the Big Blend Radio interview with author and New York Times Motherlode columnist Devorah Blachor, who talks about her new book, “THE

Bill Eddy: 5 Types of People Who Can Ruin Your Life

BILL EDDY: 5 TYPES OF PEOPLE WHO CAN RUIN YOUR LIFE   Listen to the Big Blend Radio interview with Bill Eddy, who discusses the insights and high conflict personalities in his new book, “5 TYPE
Dead Serious by Jane Leder

Jane Mersky Leder: Dead Serious

DEAD SERIOUS: BREAKING THE CYCLE OF TEEN SUICIDE On Big Blend Radio, acclaimed journalist and author Jane Mersky Leder discusses her revised and updated second edition of her book, “Dead Serious: Br