Author Cheryl Leutjen


As a geologist, environmental law attorney, spiritual practitioner and, most importantly, devoted mother, Cheryl understands that most people don’t have an endless reservoir of time, money and energy to devote to Earth-friendly practices. That’s why she wrote “Love Earth Now: The Power of Doing One Thing Every Day,” a candid, often humorous exploration that reveals her own imperfect journey toward living an eco-friendly lifestyle. Each chapter includes gentle prompts to help readers uncover their own capacity for making meaningful changes, one step at a time.


Cheryl’s deep love of Earth and her hope for a bright future for her children fuel her passion for responding to the challenges of our time with heart, hope, humor, and spiritual practice. She writes to share her experiences about teetering between Earth-mindfulness and eco-madness, not because she’s got it all figured out, but in solidarity with anyone else who’s fumbling along the path of more conscientious living.

Based in Los Angeles, Cheryl facilitates the Natural Muse Meetup for Earth-loving writers, and serves on the Board of Directors of the North East Trees nonprofit organization “bringing Nature back” to nature-poor communities around Los Angeles County.




About the Author:

Cheryl is the author of "“Love Earth Now: The Power of Doing One Thing Every Day,” a candid, often humorous exploration that reveals her own imperfect journey toward living an eco-friendly lifestyle.


As a geologist, environmental law attorney, spiritual practitioner and, most importantly, devoted mother, Cheryl understands that most people don’t have an endless reservoir of time, money and energy to devote to Earth-friendly practices.

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