Foals, Fillies, and Colts



It’s all about foals, fillies, and colts on this episode of Big Blend Radio’s “ABC’s of Horses” equestrian podcast with Christy Wood. Topics of is discussion include breeding, foal prep, birth assistance, post-birth care.


Christy Wood is a World Champion horse trainer, also exhibiting in jumping and trail. She is a winner in extreme trail obstacle challenges and is a carded horse show judge with 7 breed associations. Along with being an author and instructor, she is the owner of Wood N Horse Training Stables in Three Rivers, California. Learn more about Christy, her equine services, and her books, at:

The “ABC’s of Horses” Podcast with Christy Wood airs every 2nd Saturday. Listen to the latest episodes here:

ABCS of HORSES Podcast




About the Author:

Christy Wood is a World Champion horse trainer, also exhibiting in jumping and trail.


It's all about foals, fillies, and colts on this episode of Big Blend Radio's "ABC's of Horses" equestrian podcast with Christy Wood. Topics of is discussion include breeding, foal prep, birth assistance, post-birth care.

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