Ida O. Abbott: Retirement by Design


big blend radio interview:


BIG BLEND RADIO INTERVIEW: Award-winning attorney Ida O. Abbott discusses her new book, “Retirement by Design: A Guided Workbook for Creating a Happy and Purposeful Future.”

Retirement can be one of the most monumental life transitions a person experiences, however, we don’t have to stick to the status quo of seeing it as a time of loss. All of the personal and professional opportunities that characterize a person’s life until the point of retirement can transition into this season of life, but intentionality and planning are key in keeping this process smooth sailing. Award-winning attorney Ida Abbott’s “Retirement by Design” incorporates strategy and intentionality into designing the way we think about and plan for retirement.

In her workbook, Abbott utilizes the design thinking principles of empathy, definition, ideate, prototype, and test to help formulate what this season of life can look like for each reader. These innovative business principles that contribute to a successful professional life have their place in the creation of a more fulfilling and meaningful retirement. This workbook will lessen the burden and allows readers to spearhead these conversations with strategy and revitalization.

There’s no right time to retire, but there are steps individuals can take in order to set themselves up to achieve the dreams and visions they have for this next chapter. The Retirement By Design workbook is the perfect opportunity for readers to engage in their values, plan for their futures, and tailor the lives they want. Whether retirement is quickly approaching or a decade away, preparation and proactivity are the sure-fire ways to create the life you’ve always wanted to live.

IDA ABBOTT is a professional consultant focusing on the power of mentoring relationships to guide, support, and transform professional careers from the beginning of practice through retirement. She has long been a leader in the field of talent management, particularly mentoring, sponsorship, and the advancement of women into leadership. In recognition of her lifetime contributions, she has been elected a fellow of both the American Bar Foundation and the College of Law Practice Management. Over more than four decades as a lawyer and legal consultant, Abbott has held leadership positions in numerous bar associations, women’s organizations, and professional organizations in the U.S. and internationally. She was a cofounder of the Hastings Leadership Academy for Women and the Professional Development Consortium. She is a sought-after speaker and the author of several seminal books, including “The Lawyer’s Guide to Mentoring, 2d Edition”, and “Sponsoring Women: What Men Need to Know. “ She lives in Oakland, California.

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