Jo Clark: Travel, Food and Wine Writer



Jo Clark is a travel, food, and wine writer and an award-winning photographer. She is a regular expert guest on Big Blend Radio and hosts Big Blend Radio’s JO GOES EVERYWHERE Podcast. New episodes air every second Sunday at 7pm EST and are available on your favorite podcast platform which you can access from Podbean, and also follow the video version on YouTube. You can also follow Jo’s podcast appearances and articles on and

Jo Clark calls South Carolina’s Grand Strand home. A month-long visit to the USSR spurred her love of travel. Her travels include domestic and international destinations. Preferred article topics are food, wineries, and interesting facets of small-town America, especially those off-the-beaten-path. An award-winning photographer, favorite subjects include nature, wildlife, and beautiful scenes throughout the country.

Says Jo, “I love to find ‘off the beaten path’ places, quietly observing the area and animals, taking photographs, and enjoying the scenery. I love learning about the history of a place, its food, and its wine. I love food and always say, ‘I’ll eat anything that doesn’t eat me first!’”

Jo’s first article was published over 25 years ago in the South Carolina regional publication, Pee Dee Magazine. Since then, she’s used her MBA from Radford in teaching Business and Computer courses at area colleges and high schools. Now retired, she returned to her love of travel and writing. Jo is a contributor and editor of Recipes Travel Culture magazine and contributes to NRV magazine; Garden Destinations; Play, Stay, Eat; FoodieFlashpacker; Natural North Florida’s blog; Visit Myrtle Beach’s blog; and, Have Glass Will Travel among other publications.

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About the Author:

Jo Clarks travels include domestic and international destinations.

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