Napoleon Hill: The Path to Personal Power

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Listen to the Big Blend Radio interview with Mitch Horowitz – VP & Executive Editor at Tarcher Perigee, a division of Penguin Random House, who discusses the book, THE PATH TO PERSONAL POWER, that features never-before-published lessons penned by Napoleon Hill, just prior to the bombing of Pearl Harbor.


Although it was first written nearly eighty years ago, Napoleon Hill’s seminal bestseller THINK AND GROW RICH continues to influence renowned entrepreneurs, celebrated athletes, and revered public figures. In this ground-breaking title, Hill spent twenty years studying the habits of self-made millionaires and compiled his findings into one of the most influential personal development books of the 20th century.

Now, in THE PATH TO PERSONAL POWER (a TarcherPerigee paperback), readers have access to never-before-published lessons. Intended to inspire those still reeling from the Great Depression, these lost manuscripts offer much-needed motivation to help readers create a detailed plan for achieving their dreams. Featuring three powerful lessons transcribed from his own private discussions with billionaire Andrew Carnegie, this insightful guide offers detailed, easy-to-follow instructions to help readers:

  • Discover their own DEFINITENESS OF PURPOSE
  • Transform this DEFINITENESS OF PURPOSE into its physical equivalent
  • Reach their ultimate goal by completing small, daily tasks
  • Create specific habits and acquire character traits that will lead to success
  • Apply the practical use of the MASTER MIND PRINCIPLE in marriage, business, and spiritual life
  • Use specific methods of GOING THE EXTRA MILE in their professional and personal lives

Featuring countless true stories of prominent individuals who obtained what they desired by applying these principles, THE PATH TO PERSONAL POWER enables readers to throw off the chains of limitation so that they can pursue whatever wealth, success, and prosperity they desire.


NAPOLEON HILL was born in 1883 in Wise County, Virginia. He worked as a secretary, a “mountain reporter” for a local newspaper, the manager of a coal mine and a lumber yard, and attended law school before becoming a journalist for Bob Taylor’s Magazine–a job that led to his meeting steel magnate Andrew Carnegie, which changed the course of his life. Carnegie urged Hill to interview the greatest industrialists of the era in order to discover the principles that guided them to success. Hill took on the challenge, which lasted 20 years and formed the building block first for The Law of Success and later for 70, the wealth-building classic and all-time bestseller of its kind. After a long career as an author, a magazine publisher, lecturer, and consultant to business leaders, the motivational pioneer died in 1970 in South Carolina.

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