“An orchid in a deep forest sends out its fragrance even if no one is around to appreciate it.” Confucius
In celebration of National Houseplant Appreciation Day (January 10 every year), this episode of Big Blend Radio’s BIG DAILY BLEND podcast features nature photographer Margot who talks with Nancy & Lisa about orchids, sacred geometry, the health and wellness benefits plants provide, and more. View Margot’s photography and designer gifts at http://margotcarrera.etsy.com/
We hope you enjoy the Big Blend Radio podcast with Margot while piecing together this online jigsaw puzzle of an orchid blossom. Photo is by Margot Carrera. Use the full screen icon to make it easier. Use your mouse roller or arrow keys to rotate the puzzle pieces and click and drag to put the pieces in place. Use the Image Icon to see the picture and the Ghost Icon to set your workspace.