Peggy Fiandaca: LDV Winery



ON BIG BLEND RADIO: First episode of the new Big Blend Radio “Wine Time with Peggy” series featuring Peggy Fiandaca, who along with her winemaker husband Curt Lawrence Dunham, owns and operates LDV Winery in Arizona. This new series will air every 1st Wednesday at 4pm PT / 7pm ET. Watch here in the YouTube player or listen/download the podcast on Spreaker, Soundcloud, or Podbean.


Peggy Fiandaca is the co-owner and brand manager of LDV Winery in Arizona. You can hear her every 1st Wednesday on the Big Blend Radio “Wine Time with Peggy” Show where she talks about wine pairings, tasting, different varietals, harvest season, and more.

From transforming cities to nurturing grapes, serendipity describes the LDV Winery evolution. As professional community and strategic planners, LDV owners Peggy Fiandaca and Curt Dunham made a career assisting clients in creating successful plans. A strong game plan is vital in any industry, but more importantly, success results from responding to possibilities. That life journey of possibilities is what led Fiandaca and Dunham to develop a vineyard in southeastern Arizona that is now producing distinctive, hand-crafted wines.

Fiandaca and Dunham, long-time wine collectors, have found the magic of the “grape to glass” journey intriguing. From wine collecting and thinking about retiring, to finding the perfect land in Arizona’s Chiricahua Mountains, their vineyard/winemaking adventure began in the most serendipitous way.

Wine is a character actor in every Italian family. The Fiandaca family emigrated from Sicily to a Chicago Italian neighborhood. Peggy’s mom’s father, William Hogan, was a well-known bootlegger in Kentucky during Prohibition. With this kind of heritage, her urban planning career was a sidestep on the road to growing grapes and producing wines.

Every day brings a new experience in the vineyard or winery where her creativity, knowledge, and patience are challenged. Watching someone taste wine and identify the flavor characteristics for the first time or examine a vine closely with a new appreciation for its role in producing that wine, provides her with great satisfaction. That connection to the land, our environment, and to each other is what this winemaking journey is all about.

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About the Author:

Peggy Fiandaca is the co-owner and brand manager of LDV Winery in Arizona

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