Supervision Matters


100 Bite-Sized Ideas to Transform You and Your Team


Big Blend Radio interview with Rita Sever, author of ‘SUPERVISION MATTERS: 100 Bite-sized Ideas to Transform You and Your Team.

Supervision is a critical function of leadership that is often overlooked, and yet the quality of supervision is often what makes or breaks a leader—and an organization. Supervision Matters by Rita Sever, is full of bite-size ideas for how to become a more effective supervisor.

The book includes advice on how to be clear about expectations, giving helpful feedback, manage yourself, and more. Each chapter is structured around how you approach a part of your work as a supervisor: how you talk, how you think about others, how you run meetings, how you lead, and more. Whether you’re a front-line supervisor or a CEO, ‘Supervision Matters’ will help you sharpen your skills and improve morale by transforming your supervision skills into user-friendly tactics that work.

Rita Sever works with individuals, teams, leaders, and organizations to improve the culture and practice of supervision, thereby helping the organization to be more effective. Sever worked as an HR Director for more than 20 years before she started her consulting practice, Supervision Matters. She has an MA in organizational psychology and is a professional coach. She has taught at the University of San Francisco and Sonoma State University in California, and has published a monthly newsletter entitled Matters of Supervision for over ten years. Visit





About the Author:

Rita Sever works with individuals, teams, leaders, and organizations to improve the culture and practice of supervision, thereby helping the organization to be more effective.


Big Blend Radio
interview with Rita Sever, author of ‘SUPERVISION MATTERS: 100 Bite-sized Ideas to Transform You and Your Team.

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