Tucson Sisters in Crime


Members of the Tucson Sisters in Crime are frequent expert guests on various Big Blend Radio shows. You can listen to their interviews and podcast panel discussions here in the YouTube player.


In 1986, women wrote 40 percent of all mystery novels but only received about 15 percent of the book reviews in the New York Times. The international organization Sisters in Crime was founded to “… combat discrimination against women in the mystery field, to raise awareness of the contributions of female authors, and to promote the professional advancement of women who write mysteries.”

The Tucson Sisters in Crime chapter in Southern Arizona welcomes Sisters and Brothers in Crime from everywhere who have an interest in writing, and in the Southern Arizona mystery community. Tucson Sisters In Crime is made up of authors, writers, readers, librarians, editors, publishers, agents, and booksellers with a passion for the mystery genre.

Founded in 2012, our goal is to promote the work of our published members, encourage our pre-published writer members to publish, educate our members on the craft and industry of crime, mystery, thriller and suspense writing through offering talks by experts, special events, resources and professional networking – and to generally have a good time.

Learn more at https://www.tucsonsistersincrime.org/

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