Getting Kids to Have Fun Gardening and in Nature




All ages of children can plant seeds, water, weed, and care for a garden! David Mizejewski, National Wildlife Federation (NWF) naturalist and author of the award-winning how-to book, “Attracting Birds, Butterflies and Other Backyard Wildlife”, talks with Big Blend Radio about NWF’s Garden for Wildlife program and shares fun gardening tips and activities for kids and families.



You can help children create a wildlife habitat garden right outside their door and introduce them to the wonders of the natural world. Gardening for wildlife allows children an immediate way to make a real difference for wildlife and the environment, plus, it’s good for them academically and boosts creativity! Along with gardening for wildlife at home, Schoolyard Habitats create and restore wildlife habitat on school grounds while providing outdoor classrooms for learning across the curriculum. The entire process of planning, building and maintaining a schoolyard habitat provides a wide range of benefits to students, teachers, the administration and the community, as well as to wildlife.

Since 1973, NWF’s Garden for Wildlife program has been educating and empowering people to turn their garden spaces into thriving habitat for birds, butterflies and other wildlife. Not only does this program help wildlife, it also gives people a daily connection to the natural world, literally right outside their door. To date, NWF has recognized over 200,000 spaces representing 1.5 million acres as Certified Wildlife Habitats in suburban yards, schools, campuses, corporate properties, farms, parks and more.

To learn more and to get started on creating a wildlife habitat with your kids or at their school, see:




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