Love-Based Mission: How to Create a Business That Serves Your Soul



BIG BLEND RADIO INTERVIEW: This episode of Big Blend Radio’s Success Express Business & Career Show features Therese Skelly who discusses her new book, “Love-Based Mission: How to Create a Business That Serves Your Soul.” Listen or download the podcast on,,,

You’ve probably heard it before: Running a business is the very best way to fast-track your personal growth. According to Therese Skelly, author of “Love-Based Mission: How to Create a Business That Serves Your Soul,” the entrepreneurial journey is also a spiritual path. And becoming a love-based business owner will change your life!

There is something specific that you and you alone are here to do for the world. It’s your soul’s purpose for your life. You were given the seeds—your unique way to serve, even if in the beginning you didn’t recognize them.  This is the path to your distinct contribution. Now, it’s up to you to become the steward of that work!

In the pages of this book, you’ll uncover what holds you back and discover who you must be to birth your mission-driven business. You’ll learn how to reach the personal and spiritual transformation you seek, along the way. The bottom line? Not only is it possible to learn to love your business, but even more importantly, you can learn to love yourself in an even deeper way. Consider this your guide to leveraging your role as an entrepreneur to access your next level of personal growth!

Therese Skelly is a mentor and guide to women in business. In her former careers as a psychotherapist and a marketing consultant, she saw how often women sabotage themselves with their belief systems. Today, her energy-based approach helps high-achieving women blast away those secret and destructive inner conflicts. Then, she helps them align the inner shifts with outer tactical, real-world strategies, so they’re poised to step successfully into the work their souls are calling them to do to make a difference in the world.

When her clients learn to own their value, they thrive financially, spiritually, and mentally, while making more money in a business that makes them happy. Therese’s soul-driven yet practical approach makes her an in-demand virtual and in-person speaker at business conferences.


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About the Author:

Therese Skelly is a mentor and guide to women in business.

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